香港觀鳥會亞洲自然保育基金2020/21年度基金其中一個資助項目為「尼泊爾博卡拉 – 黃胸鵐種群監察及保育計劃」,項目剛於2021年6月完成。黃胸鵐,俗稱「禾花雀」,曾是一種極度普遍並廣泛分布於歐洲和亞洲的鳥種。可惜其數量因被過度捕獵以及其遷徙路線與度冬棲地受到破壞而大幅下降逾九成,及後於2017年被國際自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄列為極度瀕危物種。博卡拉位於尼泊爾西部,是黃胸鵐其中一個重要的度冬地。故此,基金期望透過支持Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN)於博卡拉進行黃胸鵐的數量、分布以及遷徙情況監察以及物種與棲地保育推廣計劃,從而收集黃胸鵐的度冬數據並加強人民的保育意識。
One of the successful applicants in the 2020/21 round completed the project “Monitoring population status and conservation actions of Yellow-breasted Bunting in Pokhara valley, West Nepal” in June 2021. Yellow-breasted Bunting, a ‘Critically Endangered’ species listed in IUCN Red List due to its sharp population decline, has been severely threatened by habitat loss and over-exploitation along its migration flyway and in its wintering sites. Pokhara, Nepal is one of the important wintering sites for Yellow-breasted Bunting. Thus, HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund sponsored the Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN) to implement the project, aiming to assess the population status, distribution and migration phenology of Yellow-breasted Bunting in Pokhara and carry out conservation awareness campaign and advocacy for Yellow-breasted Bunting and relevant habitation conservation.
BCN surveying team spent 24 days from December 2020 to April 2021 to monitor the population status of Yellow-breasted Bunting at 8 sites of Lake Cluster of Pokhara Valley. A total of 448 individuals of Yellow-breasted Bunting were recorded from 3 wetland areas (Fewa, Gunde and Khaste-Neureni wetland), revealing the importance of these wintering sites. Besides, to raise public awareness, a 'Yellow-breasted Bunting Conservation' poster was designed and 1,500 copies were distributed and displayed in the project sites with conservation promotion events. Awareness and advocacy events were also organized for the local community and stakeholders of Pokhara Valley to enhance Yellow-breasted Bunting conservation.
Yellow-breasted Bunting is still in dire straits and it requires joint effort along its migration flyway to conserve this critically endangered species. HKBWS is honoured to support the Yellow-breasted Bunting conservation programme in Nepal. If you wish to learn more about “HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund” and support us, please visit
*HKBWS transformed the “China Conservation Fund” into “HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund” in 2019, hoping to further support and promote bird conservation in Asia.
位於尼泊爾博卡拉的黃胸鵐監察地點 Yellow-breasted Bunting winter survey sites at Lake Cluster of Pokhara Valley, Nepal
BCN團隊正進行黃胸鵐監察工作 BCN Team were counting Yellow-breasted Bunting at their roosting site
BCN與Pokhara Bird Society聯合邀請博卡拉社區持份者出席黃胸鵐保育座談會及工作坊 Stakeholders Interaction & Advocacy Workshop held by BCN in coordination with Pokhara Bird Society for Yellow-breasted Bunting conservation
BCN團隊在博卡拉舉行公眾教育活動 Awareness-raising activities in Pokhara
黃胸鵐保育宣傳海報 Yellow-breasted Bunting Conservation Poster
BCN團隊在博卡拉舉行公眾教育活動: 勸導酒店老闆不要售賣野生雀鳥 Awareness-raising activity: Persuading hotel owners not to sell wild birds