(ENG version follows)
緬甸伊洛瓦底三角洲地區佔地約162平方公里,由季節性稻田、荷花田及蘆葦叢等不同生境組成。整個生態系統也被國際自然保護聯盟(IUCN)列入生態紅色名錄中的瀕危級別。項目調查區域位於伊洛瓦底地區的Kyone-Ka-Pyin(KKP)村落,面積為13.75平方公里,調查人員將地區劃分共55個調查點。在2023年10月至2024年5月的遷徙季節期間,紀錄了超過5,000隻黃胸鵐個體,當中在2023年12月單次調查更高達2,209隻,最少則為2024年3月的24隻。在調查期間也紀錄了超過105種的鳥種,當中包括全球易危物種赤頸鶴(Grus antigone)及傑氏鶥雀 (Chrysomma altirostre)等。
另外,今次的研究除了採用定點計數(point count)及巢數紀錄(roost count)等方法外,也涉及了當地居民的參與。研究人員訪問了附近的村民有關黃胸鵐的資訊,例如牠們的棲息地及覓食地點。計劃期間也開展了多項的宣傳活動,例如設立告示牌、為村民及附近學校學生舉辦教育工作坊等等。
Population of the Critically Endangered, Yellow-breasted Bunting in wintering site in the Ayeyarwaddy Delta, Myanmar
In the lack of sufficient data record of Yellow-breasted Bunting (YBB)’s key migration site in Myanmar, it is honoured that HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund 2023-2024 has this opportunity to support the very first systematic survey study “Population of the Critically Endangered, Yellow-breasted Bunting in wintering site in the Ayeyarwaddy Delta”, and it highlights the study site as the most important wintering site for Yellow-breasted Bunting in Myanmar.
With a total of 162 km2, the Ayayarwady floodplain in Myanmar consists of different habitat types such as seasonal paddy fields, lotus fields and reedbeds, it has also been categorized as Endangered under the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems. The survey area is located in Kyone-Ka-Pyin(KKP) village in the Ayeyarwady region. There is a total of 55 sample points with 13.75 km2, and over 5,000 individuals of YBB were recorded during the migratory season from Oct 2023 to May 2024. Point count surveys revealed a significant presence of Yellow-breasted Buntings in paddy fields and mixed habitats. The highest count was 2,209 in December 2023, while the lowest count would be 52 in March 2024. Encouragingly, the roost count survey indicated a maximum of 39,680 individuals In December 2024.
Besides, over 105 bird species are recorded during the survey period, including globally threatened species like Vulnerable Sarus Crane (Grus antigone) and Jerdon's Babbler (Chrysomma altirostre).
In addition, the study not only focused on point count and roost count surveys but also involved local engagement. They interviewed the villagers near the roosting and foraging sites for information collection. Also, several awareness activities were carried out, such as setting up signboards, education workshops for villagers and schools etc.
However, continuous habitat conversion, particularly grasslands to agricultural lands, threatens the species and its habitat. Human activities such as farming, hunting, and habitat destruction seemed to be disturbing factors that might affect the roosting site, migration pattern, and wintering population of Yellow-breasted Bunting in the study area. Therefore, the survey data collected by the project could serve as scientific evidence for government advocacy in nature conservation in Myanmar. Continued research efforts and collaborative conservation actions are essential to safeguard the diverse bird species inhabiting this ecologically significant area.
If you would like to support more projects like this, welcome to visit https://www.hkbws.org.hk/cms/acf and learn more about the work of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Asia Conservation Fund.
Surveyors are counting the population of Yellow-breasted Buntings
Yellow-breasted Bunting recorded on the survey site.
Surveyors are interviewing the locals about Yellow-breasted Bunting’s information.
Education workshop for students
Setting up signboards to raise local awareness