2021/22年度基金資助項目「印尼北蘇門答臘省日裡雪冷縣Percut Sei Tuan保育項目」於5月順利完成。Percut Sei Tuan位於東亞─ 澳大利西亞遷飛區,當地的Bagan Percut濕地是遷徙水鳥非常重要的中途補給站。基金期望透過支持Yayasan Cakra Madani Selia (Cakra Foundation) 開展鳥類調查及民意研究,制定濕地及水鳥保育方案。
Cakra Foundation研究組在Bagan Percut的鳥類調查為期6天,共錄得15種遷徙水鳥。對比歷年遷徙水鳥研究數據後,研究組發現部分候鳥鳥種會穩定到訪Bagan Percut。不幸地,這片濕地面臨污染及土壤質素下降等威脅,當地非政府組織嘗試以種植紅樹等方式進行保育,惟研究組實地視察後認為保育計劃收效甚微,考察期間更發現大量塑膠及垃圾,對雀鳥及其棲息地構成重大威脅。
項目另一重點是透過問卷及訪問形式,了解當地持份者及年輕一輩對遷徙水鳥的認知及保育意識。及 後,Cakra Foundation提出多項保育策略建議,例如於Bagan Percut發起可持續遷徙水鳥保育計劃,配合生態旅遊活動,從而加強推廣保育濕地及水鳥,吸引更多人參與保育工作。Cakra Foundation根據水鳥調查及民調所收集的數據,提出具體的水鳥及濕地保育建議。本會祝願Cakra Foundation日後於Bagan Percut推行的生境管理項目,能有效化解現存威脅,繼續為遷徙水鳥提供舒適的棲地。若各位希望支持及了解更多「香港觀鳥會亞洲自然保育基金」的工作,歡迎瀏覽https://www.hkbws.org.hk/cms/acf。
One of the funded projects under Asia Conservation Fund 2021 – 2022, “Awareness strategy program to conserve Percut Sei Tuan in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Indonesia” was completed in May 2022. Bagan Percut in Percut Sei Tuan is an important stopover for migratory waterbirds in East Asian-Australasian Flyaway. Thus, HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund sponsored Yayasan Cakra Madani Selia (Cakra Foundation) to conduct waterbird surveys and raise public awareness of waterbird conservation in Percut Sei Tuan.
Cakra Foundation conducted both bird surveys and social surveys to study ecology and species diversity in the area. 15 migratory waterbird species were recorded during six days of direct observation in Bagan Percut. By comparing the latest records with the migratory shorebird species listed in previous studies in Percut Sei Tuan, Cakra Foundation research team have noted some similarities in the bird species visiting Bagan Percut. Meanwhile, as the habitat is subject to threats including land degradation and land conversion, conservation programmes such as mangrove plantation were carried out by local non governmental organisations (NGOs). However, researchers from Cakra Foundation noticed that the impact of these conservation programs was limited. During on-site visits, they also found that the wetland was deluged with plastic waste, posing another threat to waterbirds.
To assess how much the local community knows about migratory waterbirds and conservation, Cakra Foundation invited local stakeholders and youth to fill out questionnaires or participate in interviews. Specific conservation strategies were then recommended to enhance migratory waterbird conservation in Bagan Percut. Proposals include setting up sustainable conservation programs in which ecotourism activities will be organised to promote migratory waterbird and wetland conservation.Based on data collected from waterbird surveys and social surveys, Cakra Foundation provided different constructive suggestions to boost local conservation efforts. It is our sincere hope that effective habitat management measures will be implemented in Bagan Percut to provide a better environment for migratory waterbirds. If you wish to learn more about “HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund” and support us, please visit https://www.hkbws.org.hk/cms/acf.
鬚浮鷗 ─ 調查期間常見的鳥種
Whiskered tern, a common species found during survey
其他非政府組織在Bagan Percut進行紅樹林復育計劃
Another local NGO has initiated mangrove reforestation in Bagan Percut
Garbage, mostly plastic waste, scattered on the mudflat